Edge of the World

An impossible problem requires an impossible solution. No matter how many times Nick gives it away, the radio comes back. It always comes back. A radio shouldn’t be able to ruin your life, but this one can. It turns itself on at high volume, and always when it’s inconvenient. It especially loves to wake Nick up at night. But what can he do about it? It reappears again and again. Desperate for a solution, Nick takes the craziest piece of advice he gets. If he throws it over the Edge of the World, then it can’t come back.

The story is about the trip he takes to get there. But how do you get to the Edge of the World? If he sets out with enough tragic material to throw over, then he will soon meet someone needing to get somewhere. Again and again he has to deliver people to their destinations, each one different and every one of his riders will give him one more thing that needs to be thrown when he finally gets to the Edge.

With his friend Herman, Nick sets out in his fabulous old car for any challenges that await him on his random road trip. It’s a special sort of adventure about two fairly ordinary guys who have no idea what they’re in for.